PCOS: Causes, Symptoms, Types

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem that affects millions of women worldwide. The most surprising part is that about 70% of the women remain undiagnosed. PCOS is a hormonal condition that affects the female reproductive organ that produces eggs, the ovaries. In PCOS, the ovaries produce a large amount of androgens, which are male sex hormones usually present in women in small quantities. It should also be noted that having PCOS does not mean that you won’t be able to conceive; it simply means that there might be some complications in conceiving, and you need to take proper care of yourself in case you’re diagnosed with it.

Ovarian follicles release an egg, and ovulation occurs. Having PCOS makes this process difficult. Women dealing with PCOS produce more testosterone than usual, and this results in absent or irregular periods. As there is a hormonal imbalance, the ovaries are not able to release eggs, which results in the formation of cysts, which is why it gets its name, polycystic ovary syndrome. This metabolic disorder happens to women in their reproductive years, from 12 to 51 years old.

Symptoms of PCOS

  • Abnormal Menstruation: Missing periods frequently or not having periods at all—is one of the major symptoms of PCOS. Sometimes heavy bleeding during menstruation is also noted.
  • Hair Growth: There is a lot of growth of facial hair and on other body parts such as arms, abdomen, and chest. About 70% of the people with PCOS have this issue.
  • Acne: Individuals dealing with PCOS have acne on their face, chest, and back. The acne that women with PCOS develop is actually hard to treat and may continue past their teenage years.
  • Obese: It is a fact that women dealing with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have difficulty maintaining the weight that is optimal for them.
  • Skin Darkening: Skin starts to get dark at certain parts, usually where it folds, like the neck, under the breasts, armpits, etc.
  • Cysts: As there is hormonal imbalance, the development of cysts takes place around the ovary or just below the surface of the ovary.
  • Infertility: If you are trying to conceive and are not able to do that irrespective of a number of tries, then PCOS might be the reason behind that.

Causes of PCOS

High Levels of Androgens

When you have high levels of androgens, your ovaries will not be able to release eggs, which leads to irregular periods. Moreover, when the ovulation is irregular, there is the development of fluid-filled sacs on your ovaries.

Insulin Resistance

When there is an increase in insulin levels, the ovaries make and release male hormones in large quantities. Insulin resistance means that your body cannot process insulin correctly, and this leads to high levels of this in your blood.

Types of PCOS

Some of the common types of polycystic ovary syndrome are:

Inflammatory PCOS

This type of PCOS is a result of inflammation, which hinders ovulation. Inflammation causes an increase in androgens in the body. Inflammation can be a result of a toxic environment, stress, or adding gluten to your diet. In this type of PCOS, there are frequent headaches, skin allergies, and infections. A blood test is recommended in this case, and staying in a peaceful environment is the best that you can do.

Post-Pill PCOS

When women suddenly stop the consumption of oral contraceptive pills, there will be excessive hair growth, acne, and irregular periods. This is because there is an excess of androgen. With time, your body will start showing all the symptoms of PCOS, and the only thing to keep in mind is that you need to follow a healthy diet in order to stay fit. Sleeping on time also plays a major role.

Insulin-Resistant PCOS

One of the most common types of PCOS is insulin-resistant PCOS, which occurs because of high insulin levels in the body. When muscle cells stop responding to insulin, the body triggers insulin resistance. The blood sugar level increases, insulin circulates in high quantity, and androgen is produced in greater quantity. Following a balanced diet is recommended for this type of PCOS.

Adrenal PCOS

This type of PCOS is a result of how our body responds to stress. Following a healthy lifestyle where you get eight hours of sleep is important, and this way your body will have enough time to heal. Women with adrenal PCOS should also consume magnesium supplements, as this will help their bodies relax and they’ll be energetic for quite some time as well.

Treatment for PCOS

There is no medical cure for PCOS, so all that can be done is to control your symptoms. The treatment for this depends on what symptoms you have and what medications are given to control all the imbalances happening inside the body.

Birth Control Pills

Doctors prescribe hormonal control pills to women who are not trying to get pregnant. Such pills have estrogen, progesterone, or both. They help to get regular periods, help with acne-related issues, and help with body hair.

Progestine Therapy

This helps to get your menstrual cycle on track and can prevent your chances of having uterine cancer. It has no role to play when it comes to getting pregnant, nor does it reduce the levels of androgens in the body.

Androgen Blockers

Taking these medications blocks the effects of androgens, which lead to hair growth and acne. If you are thinking of getting pregnant, then these medications are not recommended, as this leads to birth defects.

Healthy Lifestyle

One of the vital things to do to treat PCOS is to add the right nutrients to your diet. A balance of all the essential nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, etc is essential. In addition to this, proper sleep is also required.


  • You may have PCOS if you have more than two of the symptoms listed below:
  • You see that your body is making extra androgens, like more body hair or acne, or some blood tests report this.
  • You are having irregular or no periods.
  • Ovarian cysts or large ovaries that show up on ultrasound.

Living with PCOS

The physical symptoms are something that matters most to women when it comes to PCOS. Problems like excessive body hair and acne in PCOS are hard to treat. Though there are no medications that offer cures, all you can do is adapt a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, exercise, and a proper sleep schedule.